Thursday, April 2, 2009


1) Although I am a big fan of Quizno’s this commercial assures me that I will never get the so called “Toasty Torpedo.” I don’t think this commercial persuades me to do anything other than wonder what was going on in Quiznos execuitve’s heads. This commercial definitely makes you turn and pay attention, but I got a “what the hell” look on my face when I first saw it.
2) I can’t really see any implicit arguments here. Maybe it’s understood that ovens really wouldn’t be telling you to “stick something in them.” Or that this commercial is just a way to get people’s attentions? I don’t really see any substance in this commercial.
3) I don’t know if I’m doing the right kind of product here, but this seems to be the inexpensive version if it is only 4 dollars. I can’t think of another place to get a cheaper foot long sub. However, if there were an inexpensive alternative I don’t think the consumer would get anything more out of a tasty torpedo than a sub from Publix, in fact, if I could get the same sub, I’d much rather get it from Publix. Basically the argument is that this “Tasty Torpedo” would be better than an alternative and satisfy both you and your hunger more. None of my observations contradict what I expected. This commercial is messed up.
4)The audience is definitely a younger generation. This obviously wasn’t in a magazine, but I would expect to see it on channels like Comedy Central, MTV, VH1, and ESPN.

1)This add is hilarious. Although it is Budweiser, this commercial makes me believe that the beer is really good because all of these people cuss so much. This also makes me think that the Budweiser commercial thinkers are really funny.
2) I guess an implicit argument would be that cussing in public is ok, even though the social norm against cussing is negative.
3)When I think Budweiser I THINK good beer, I don’t necessarily agree with it. I think good beer because there are so many commercials advertising Budweiser. So consumers might believe that they are getting a better beer if they buy Budweiser over say Natural Light or some other crappy beer. Spend a few more dollars and they can feel that they are drinking the beer they “deserve” so it’s worth it to them.
4) Obviously the intended audience is one that does not frown upon cussing and also drinks alcohol. Some channels this might be seen on are definitely ESPN, Outdoor Network, CMT, Comedy Central.

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