Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Essay 2 proposal

Issue: Is it “right” for homosexual couples to get married?

Terms: When I say “right” I mean constitutionally. And when I say married I mean full rights that men and women who get married get. Legal recognition.

1) “Same-Sex Marriage should be allowed” Heather Ann Gannon. Opposing Viewpoints: Family. Ed. Karen Miller. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2008.
The author provides arguments for the traditional feeling against same-sex marriage including religious, procreation, and historical arguments.
2) “Same-Sex Marriage Will Undermine the Institution of Marriage”. Robert P. George and David L. Tubbs. Sex. Ed. Mary E. Williams. Opposing Viewpoints®. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2006.
These authors argue that same-sex marriage will destabilize the whole institution of marriage by promoting sexual promiscuity. And that sexual promiscuity will lead to the collapse of all that is marriage.
3) Religious Leaders Should Support Same-Sex Marriage. Religious Institute on Sexual Morality, Justice, and Healing.
Opposing Viewpoints: Religion in America. Ed. Mary E. Williams. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2006.
The author here describes marriage as something sacred. Not merely for procreation or sex. It is about sharing life’s joys and sorrows with someone you love.
4) Gay marriage: A way out Oliver Thomas USA Today; 08/04/2008
This article talks about finding a middle ground. It discusses the ramifications between marriage and civil unions. It seems to be pro civil unions, but provides good facts about certain sides.